How Many Bags of Concrete In A Yard

If you are considering doing work to your yard, then you might find yourself calculating how much concrete you need for the job.

Calculating the amount of concrete that you will need for any project can be really difficult and that is because it can be very confusing to understand how one bag of concrete can translate into the concrete in your yard. 

How Many Bags of Concrete in a Yard

If you are reading this, then you probably want to find out how many bags of concrete you will need to buy in order to concrete your yard.

If so, you are in the right place.

In this guide, we’re taking a look at how many bags of concrete you will need for your yard, and how to calculate the specific amount for your project. 

So, if you want to find out how much, keep on reading! 

How Big Is A Bag Of Concrete?

So, the first thing that we need to establish in order to figure out how much concrete you will need for the job is how big the bag of concrete is.

No matter what type of concrete you are using, the amount of bags that you will need will totally depend on the size of the bags that you buy.

So, how big is a bag of concrete?

Well, the size of a bag of concrete will differ depending on the size of the bag that you purchase.

There are a wide range of sizes available when it comes to bags of concrete, and they are typically measured by weight. 

Some of the smaller bags of concrete will weigh around 40 pounds, and from there the size of a bag of concrete will typically go up by around 10 pounds.

So, you may have a 50 pound, 60 pound, 70 pound, or 80 pound bag of concrete.

Depending on the size of the bag that you purchase, the number of bags that you will need to complete your entire yard will differ.

So, let’s take a look at how many bags of concrete you will need. 

How Many Bags Of Concrete In A Yard?

Well as we have said, the number of bags of concrete that you will need for your yard will depend on the size of the bag of concrete that you have purchased.

With that in mind, we’ll be taking a look at how many bags of concrete you will need depending on the size of the bag.

If you have a large yard that you need to concrete, then there is a good chance that you will opt for the largest bag of concrete for the job.

This makes sense really as it will likely be the most cost effective way to concrete your yard.

In this scenario, you will be using 80 pound bags of concrete to concrete your yard.

Generally speaking, you will need around 45 bags of 80-pound concrete for an average yard. 

If your yard is smaller, then you may choose to purchase smaller bags of concrete.

For the same size yard that you would need 45 80-pound bags of concrete, you would need around 90 bags of 40-pound concrete.

So, you can understand why it is more cost-effective to buy a smaller amount of larger bags. 

How Much Concrete Do You Need?

Of course, the exact amount of concrete that you will need will depend on 2 factors.

These two factors are: the size of the bags of concrete, and the size of your yard.

So, in order to calculate the amount of concrete you will need, you first need to gather the numbers for these two factors. 

By measuring the length and width of your yard, you will be able to calculate the square feet of your garden.

You can then use this number to calculate the amount of concrete bags you will need to buy.

From there, you should then calculate how many square feet each bag of concrete will be able to cover.

Typically, an 80-pound bag of concrete will cover around 2 square feet. 

From there, you can then divide the amount of square feet that an 80-pound bag of concrete will cover into the total square feet of your yard.

This will allow you to calculate the exact number of bags that you will need to cover your yard, ensuring that you do not end up with too little.

We would recommend buying an extra bag just in case something goes wrong in the process.

It is always better to have too much than too little.

Things You Will Need To Work With Concrete

Now that we’ve taken a look at how to calculate how much concrete you will need for the job, let’s take a look at some of the other things that you will need when working with concrete.

There are lots of different things that you might need for this project, they include the following. 

The first thing that you will need is things for mixing the concrete.

This will not only include water to mix with the concrete, but also a mixer, a shovel for moving the concrete and so on.

Once your concrete is mixed, you will need other tools such as screeds, groove cutters, saws, floats and more. 

That is without even considering the things that you will need to keep with you to ensure that you are safe when working with concrete.

From safety goggles to gloves, your own safety should be your top priority when it comes to working with concrete.

So make sure that you get everything that you need to keep you safe before you buy anything else. 


In conclusion, the number of bags of concrete that you will need for your yard will depend on two factors.

They are the size of the bag of concrete, and the size of your yard.

Calculating the size of your yard will help you decide which size bag of concrete is best for you, and also allow you to calculate how many bags you need. 

Thanks for reading!

Joel Adams
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